Caldera de biomasa para la piscina municipal de Calpe

Caldera Heizomat

Biomass boiler,es

During these days we are participating in the project management of the installation of a biomass boiler Heizomat Modelo RHK-AK 300, to service heating the glass and atmosphere of the indoor pool Township Calp.

In the same action, is installed blade remover inside an underground concrete silo built in and a lifting chain 9 meters

This action is intended to use the prunings of the municipality, previously treated and get savings of close to 75%.

Esta actuación se engloba dentro del Plan Provincial de Ahorro Energético 2014 de la Diputación de Alicante.

Posted in Biomass, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy

regulatory inspections in photovoltaic installations


Worried about inspections photovoltaic systems? Do you know what kind of inspections should apply and how often?

We will try to list those revisions or initial inspections that may suffer your installation or any of the additional facilities.

  • Sags.

It must be ensured that during voltage dips in the network, the solar system is not disconnected from it and guarantee power supply.

La normativa de referencia será el Royal Decree 661/2007 según lo indicado en su Anexo III.

Las instalaciones afectadas serán aquellas de potencia superior a 2 MW o parques fotovoltaicos que no llegando a esta cifra estén conectados a un punto de la red de transporte o distribución en la que la suma de las instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas conectadas sea superior a 2 MW.


  • Líneas aéreas y subterráneas de alta tensión.

Todas la líneas aéreas y subterráneas de tensión superior a 1 KV deben ser inspeccionadas por OCA cada tres años.


  • Subestaciones y centros de transformación.

Las subestaciones y centros de transformación están sometidas a revisiones reglamentarias por OCA. Estas instalaciones y revisiones se rigen por el Real Decreto 3275/1982 y sus instrucciones técnicas complementarias.

Las instalaciones deben ser inspeccionadas cada tres años.


  • Instalaciones eléctricas en baja tensión.

La parte de baja tensión de la instalación solar fotovoltaica, instalación intemperie, debe ser inspeccionada inicialmente y cada cinco años, midiendo los siguientes parámetros:

– Resistencia de puesta a tierra

– Aislamiento

– Tripping time differential

– Tripping differential


  • Inspection moron relay

Para dar cumplimiento a las condiciones de las compañías eléctricas sobre las protecciones en instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas, A check is needed.

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Posted in Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Legislation and regulations

Business Tax – Inventory machinery



Agencia Tributaria


Recently a client asked us to carry out a detailed inventory of the main and auxiliary equipment used in the production plant.

It is very common in industries that are used in their production process lot of the same or similar machines, acquisition and not inventory update. This situation over time results in lack of production capacity in the industry.

Os benefits of having updated inventory of machinery could be:

  • Performing maintenance plans consistent with reality.
  • Destruction or irreparable scrapping of those units and obsolete, resulting in a production plant neat and clean.
  • Identification of all units causes flexibility and accuracy at the time of changes in product features and production planning.
  • Justification before the appropriate bodies of installed capacity in machinery.

It is known that different tax collectors are performing data updates installed capacity in the manufacturing process to update the Business Tax.

What elements should be considered in the inventory provided to collectors?

We have to go to Royal Decree 1175/1990, of 28 of September, fixing the rates and instruction Tax Economic Activities approved. Third Rule in Chapter 14th paragraph 1 A sub-paragraph):

  • Taxable installed capacity is considered the result of the sum of the nominal powers of the affects energy elements to industrial equipment, electrical or mechanical nature.
  • They will not be, so, computable powers dedicated to heating elements, lighting, Conditioning, pollution control facilities, Personnel lifts, social services, sanitary and, in general, those who are not directly assigned to production, including those intended for processing and correction of electricity. They will not be considered for this purpose furnaces and boilers running based solid fuel, liquid or gaseous.
  • Fiscal power according to which quotas will be obtained industry will be the mathematical result of reducing the entire kilowatts installed capacity computable, using, if, equivalence 1 CV = 0,736 Kw
  • The installed power testbed, testing platforms and the like are calculated by the 10 by 100 the actual installed capacity.
  • Backup equipment manufacturing facilities are not tax element when declared as such to the Tax Administration.
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Posted in Legislation and regulations

Tesla Powerwall: análisis de ENERGON INGENIEROS

La batería Tesla Powerwall ha ocupado durante los últimos días las portadas de los principales medios generalistas y de algunos especializados. Su impacto ha sido tal que hemos querido hablar de ella y durante la próxima semana publicaremos un análisis sobre la misma.


Mientras, podéis disfrutar de algunos de los artículos anteriormente publicados en el blog de ENERGON INGENIEROS.




Posted in Uncategorized

Gas Natural Fenosa and 8th Energy Efficiency Index in SMEs

Regularly, Gas Natural Fenosa, published the results of a study on energy efficiency in SMEs. The same can check the status of the companies regarding the use and efficient energy consumption.

The study is based on the production of telephone interviews and several thousand companies to 250 employees from the commercial sector, Industry, hotelier, office / professional services, Restaurants and cafes, Looking nationally representative, sectoral and regional.

We encourage you to read, at least, summary.

Posted in Uncategorized

RECAM de Ernst & Young: rate of investment in renewable energy.

The index RecA or just RESTS (Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index) prepared by the consulting firm Ernst & Young, is a ranking of the countries where investments in renewable energy more attractive.

Investments in renewable energy in Spain by foreign investors ( and national) are paralyzed the authors of the publication: unfavorable regulatory framework and the new pay system does not guarantee the reasonable profitability of the project.

Spain, that in the above publication 2014 was ranked 22, again falls two places to 24th place. All renewable technologies fall below the post 20 unless CSP solar and tidal.

RECAI 2015

It must be attentive to investments in solar photovoltaic powerful announced with fanfare, and the silent action in consumption.

For further information, recommend visiting the Author website or directly report.


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Posted in Renewable Energy, Legislation and regulations

Change of ownership of photovoltaic solar installation in Valencia

If the legalization and implementation of a solar photovoltaic system connected to the network can be arduous and complicated, the change in ownership is not far behind.

The first problem is that there is no nationally agreed procedure. It is the job of each autonomous community writing process change of ownership.

The second problem, is that the procedure published in different media can cause confusion, as in Valencia. The procedure on the website of the PROP ( does not correspond, largely, to the procedure outlined by the Technical Advisory.

Making a description of the procedure, is divided into two installments:


  • Application by letter, since there is no standard form for this.
  • Documentation identifying the applicant, which will be the company or individual who chooses to be new owner of the facility. If we look at the information displayed on the PROP, the applicant shall be the owner of the facility (this discrepancy).
  • Declaration of Intent holder transmission installation the applicant. Al in there paper use, so that an affidavit in which the data for the current and subsequent owner of the facility indicated, data facility registration and declaration of intent to be enough transmission.
  • Document option on energy. Standard document itself exists al use.
  • Summary report of the Petitioner (new owner).
  • Copy of resolution of the Directorate General for Energy Enrollment final registration of the installation.

Once the Resolution of Territorial Service administrative authorization transmission installation, the holder has a period of six months to proceed with this transmission and should bring into within one month after the said transfer takes place, The following documentation.


  • A legal document that appropriate transmission (deed, bill of sale, lease, etc.)
  • Technical agreement signed with the cia. distribution on behalf of the new owner.
  • Economic contract with the distributor on behalf of the new owner.
  • Installation Code for settlement purposes (CIL document) on behalf of the new owner.
  • Certificate of installed capacity and technology in the name of the new owner. There document the use.
Posted in Uncategorized

ISO 50001 Conference on Energy Management Systems in Elche

Jornada ISO 50001

Next day 3 July we will be in the Science Park of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche developing day Energy Management Systems according to ISO 50001. During the same, conocre give a fundamental policy of this system of management and its relationship with other systems.

This technical seminar is free and is organized by the Association of Environmentalists of Valencia in the training of this group operate.

For more information and registration, you can visit the link of the day here.

Posted in Energy management systems

Energía solar photovoltaic en Chile Ley 20/25


Photovoltaic solar energy in Chile has been one of the technologies that has had greater acceptance in recent months. On Tuesday 18 March at 14:00 CET, held a webinar organized by CSP Today which the present situation of eerr and specifically solar PV was treated in Chile. The speakers were:

– Carlos Finat, Executive Director of Sidewalk

– Christian Antonovic de Acesol

– Ramon Galaz of Valgesta

The paper is mainly motivated by the recent change of government in Chile, which is expected to define its position on renewable and future publication of the Regulations of Law No. 20.698.

Much is said about Chile and companies are investing there mainly in solar PV projects of medium to high power. We must remember that Chile could choose the target of target 20% of renewable energy 2025.

Según Climate Scope 2013, Chile ranks second behind Brazil and ahead of Nicaragua with a penetration of renewable energy sources for the generation of 7%. No mechanisms exist to fit these technologies, Chile is a target market due to the high cost of energy. Energy demand is also high, especially for the mining industry, representing about 36% the total consumption of electricity in the country. To meet the growing demand for energy, Chile should add about 8GW Capacity 2020.


The current law seems to have worked correctly if we mention the generation in recent months.


Similarly the pull effect has worked and there are many projects that are in progress, with RCA in the approved qualification, market showing signs of bottlenecks if we look at the figures provided by Carlos Finat for February 2014 and Ramon Galaz. While Valgesta by Energy is stated that require between 3500 and 4000 MW NCRE projects over the next 10 years to comply with the law, by Sidewalk data are provided to February 2014.


As is apparent, most established technologies are wind and solar, both construction and outstanding.

Current barriers to the discretion of the speakers are many and can be summarized as:

– Access to the transmission system.

– Market share of contracts with customers and distributors free.

– Overlapping mining concessions and land use.

– Lack of updated information distribution studies to develop electric connection.

– Obtaining funding for projects

What makes expert sources encrypt unsuccessful projects in more than one 80%.

Some of the recommendations of the speakers for companies wishing to enter the Chilean market are partnerships with local companies or good counseling office.

Energon Ingenieros develops advisory activities with Chilean partners for market entry of renewable energy companies as well as activities developer himself or others of solar photovoltaic.

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Posted in Renewable Energy


According to data provided by ISO in your ISO Survey 2012 (last official publication), the implementation and certification of management systems of power in accordance with ISO 50001, is having a high degree of acceptance. If we look at the study, the standard that had the greatest impact in the year 2012 worldwide was the ISO 50001 with growth of 332% respect 2011 and 1981 certifications. Try it, the number of annual certifications is not comparable with ISO 9001 the 14001, with 1.101.272 and 285.844 respectively certifications 2012.


Interest in improving energy efficiency in companies and institutions results in a significant growth. Europe and Southeast Asia are the areas that have shown interest in this standard. The following graph shows the evolution of the certifications in the world since the emergence of the rule until early 2014.


Regarding Europe, Spain ranked second, behind Germany and ahead of Denmark Total number of certifications, while in Germany, Dinamarca e Italia, this order, were the countries where growth was higher.

Focusing on Spain, worth looking back. Mainly due to the following reasons;

  • Commitment of the member states of the European Union to reduce, for the year 2020, Primary energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases by 20% for the year 1990. So the European Commission's Press 13 November 2008 indicates how increasing energy efficiency is the best way to reduce energy consumption, while maintaining an equivalent level of economic activity.
  • Decision 406/2009 European Parliament and Council 23 April 2009 on the effort of Member States to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases to meet the commitments made by the Community to 2020, states, to procede, the Commission will propose new or more stringent measures to accelerate improvements in energy efficiency, later than 31 December 2012.
  • Approval by the Spanish Government of the Energy Efficiency Strategy 2004-2012 from which are derived the Action Plans 2005-2007 and 2008-2012 Energy Saving and Efficiency.
  • Sustainable Economy Act sets in 16 different articles the need to reduce energy intensity and enhance the efficiency and energy saving.

Standard was developed UNE 216301:2007 Energy Management System, whose requirements can be recognized certificates issued by third, thus enhancing the voluntary initiatives of organizations in the field of energy. It is in the year 2007, when you start to certify energy management systems based on this standard. About a hundred companies were certified by this rule.

In February 2010 the standard was issued IN 16001:2009, whose requirements and principles are almost identical to the UNE 216301:2007. This standard aims to help organizations systems and processes necessary to improve energy efficiency.

But why implement an energy management system? One could list many reasons for implementing a system of energy management. Leaving aside the purely commercial, indicated below, from the point of view of the editor, major:

  • Knowledge of weight around a product or service and business competitiveness. Many companies are unaware of the percentage that the cost of energy represents of your product or service, preventing them more competitive from the economic point of view.
  • Involvement of all parties that are part of the production process or service.
  • Clearance responsibilities. It indicates who will be part of the implementation process, maintenance and improvement of the system.
  • Implementation of a continuous improvement cycle by PDSA scheme (plan-do-check-act).
  • Implementation of systematic in the collection and use of energy. From this moment, supply should be evaluated from an economic point of view and quality. Similarly the use of energy should be as efficient as the direction determined by the scope and limits of the management system, and thus be reflected in its energy policy.
  • Introduction of energy audits. Checking the status of energy consumption and implementation of corrective measures. Important to have a reference before the implementation process by defining the energy baseline.
  • Registration and posting of consumption. Need, as far as possible, to know where, how and when energy is being consumed by a side to serve energy audit process and performing other checks implementation of measures.

What reasons have to certify? Although domestic consumption has been weakened, the increase in exports has caused companies want to implement and, in the best, certify, the energy management system. Two main reasons, as with the ISO 9001 o ISO 14001, They are responsible for certification:

  • Differentiation in the internal market. Differentiation is a competitive advantage over other companies / entities in a priority sector and provides some public tenders.
  • Need for foreign market. The increase in exports to countries where the implementation of systematic methodologies usual, make it necessary to live up to its customers through energy policies and quality that are in line. Recall the reputation of energy management systems in Germany.

About the UNE EN ISO 50001:2011

UNE EN ISO 50001:2001, provides the requirements for an energy management system in order to make continuous and systematic improvements in companies and institutions. ISO 50001 was published in mid-June 2011, the 26/10/2011 Steps to be EN ISO 50001 y a final de 2011 UNE EN ISO 50001:2011.

ENERGON INGENIEROS provides energy management services such as energy audits, implementation of Energy Management Systems, measurement and verification plans and advice to energy service companies.

If you liked this article, compártelo.

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Posted in Energy Efficiency

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